Du du du...
"Tinggalkanlah gengsi, hidup berawal dari mimpi
Gantungkan yang tinggi, agar semua terjadi".
Yeah that is a piece lyrics of song by Bondan Prakoso ft 2black with the tittle is Hidup Berawal Dari Mimpi. I love this song. Why?? Because this song give me spirit to do something more. Make a dream and I must do motivated my self to make my dream come true. Talking about karaoke, I love karaoke because, one of my hobbies is singing. I think my voice is so nice but I don't know how about other opinion. Hehe
I will sing a song when I feel happy or when I sad feeling. I do it everyday. I feel calmer after I sing a song.
I also love a song by Ebiet G. Ade with the. title is Titip Rindu Buat Ayah.
" Bahumu yang dulu kekar legam terbakar matahari
Kini kurus dan terbungkuk hm..
Namun semangat tak pernah pudar
Meski langkahmu kadang gemetar
Kau tetap setia".
I sing this song when I missing my father in there. I really miss my parents. So that when I sing this song I always cry. I don't know why my tears
Dripped. This song make me remember how great sacrifice of my parents for me. This song make me think what can I do to make them happy, to make them always smile. I love my father and I love my family.
I thing with singing I can express my feelings in the song.
"Tinggalkanlah gengsi, hidup berawal dari mimpi
Gantungkan yang tinggi, agar semua terjadi".
Yeah that is a piece lyrics of song by Bondan Prakoso ft 2black with the tittle is Hidup Berawal Dari Mimpi. I love this song. Why?? Because this song give me spirit to do something more. Make a dream and I must do motivated my self to make my dream come true. Talking about karaoke, I love karaoke because, one of my hobbies is singing. I think my voice is so nice but I don't know how about other opinion. Hehe
I will sing a song when I feel happy or when I sad feeling. I do it everyday. I feel calmer after I sing a song.
I also love a song by Ebiet G. Ade with the. title is Titip Rindu Buat Ayah.
" Bahumu yang dulu kekar legam terbakar matahari
Kini kurus dan terbungkuk hm..
Namun semangat tak pernah pudar
Meski langkahmu kadang gemetar
Kau tetap setia".
I sing this song when I missing my father in there. I really miss my parents. So that when I sing this song I always cry. I don't know why my tears
Dripped. This song make me remember how great sacrifice of my parents for me. This song make me think what can I do to make them happy, to make them always smile. I love my father and I love my family.
I thing with singing I can express my feelings in the song.
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