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Sajak Dalam Diri

Kau tau apa yang aku pikirkan sekarang? Pernahkah kau merasa dalam keadaan yang bimbang, kau sebenarnya paham dan mengerti tapi, disatu sisi kau ingin kepahaman dan pengertian mu hanya kau yang perlu tahu.  Pernah merasa ingin menutup mata semua orang yang melihat mu agar mereka tak seenaknya memandang dan menilai mu? Pernah merasa berharap semua orang menjadi tuli agar mereka tak bisa mendengar apapun tentang mu, tak menghujat keburukan mu dan tak menjatuhkan mu ketika kau dalam keadaan baik? .  Pernah merasa ingin mengunci mulut semua orang, agar tak satu pun kata buruk tentang diri mu keluar dari sana atau sekedar tak ingin mendengar pujian yang nyatanya tak pernah pantas untuk mu? Pernahkah kau bimbang? Bingung? Gelisah? Pernahkah kau merasa ingin membawa dirimu pergi jauh tapi kau tak ingin meninggalkan? Pernahkah kau merasa ingin bertahan dan berharap takkan ada yang pergi? Pernah kah merasakan dirimu berada didua posisi? Pernahkah? Pernahkah kau mencoba pahami dirimu ...


 Pendidikan Di Indonesia      72 tahun sudah indonesia merdeka, dengan diawali pembacaan proklamasi oleh Ir. Soekarno di kediamannya di Jalan Pegangsaan Timur yang tepatnya jatuh pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945. Indonesian dikatakan sebagai negara merdeka sejak saat itu. Tapi, sebagai negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat, Indonesia masih belum mampu merdeka dalam bidang pendidikan terutama di daerah terpencil di berbagai penjuru negeri ini, baik dalam bidang sarana dan prasarana sampai tenaga pengajarnya. Padahal pendidikan merupakan suatu yang mutlak bagi warga negara dan merupakan jalan terbaik untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan generasi di Indonesia. Indonesia dikatakan kekurangan tenaga pengajar, benarkah demikian? Padahal  Indonesia meluluskan lebih dari 1000 guru setiap tahunnya dan akan terus bertambah jumlahnya seiring tahun.Pada dasarnya, Indonesia tidak kekurangan tenaga pengajar, hanya saja sedikit dari para pemuda bangsa yang bersedia untuk dikirim...

My Top Recommendations For Things To Do In My Town

Hello ladies and gentlemen My name is Erina Safitri, I am from Ketapang Regency. Did you know about Ketapang?? Ketapang is a district in West Borneo. A town situated on the banks of the Pawan river which is marked by ale-ale monument. Ale-ale is a mussels were skin slippery and is typical food of Ketapang. Ketapang is the largest district, has a beach hat extends from the south to the north and part of the beach is the estuary of the river in the from of marshes stretching from Teluk Batang, Simpang Hilir, Sukadana, mat an Hilir, kendawangan. And talking about education in Ketapang, Ketapang has a lot of schools ranging from elementary school to the college. And development in KETAPANG also can be said to be advancing, Ketapang has a several hotels one that is often heard is the Aston Hotel. And also there are two hospitals namely Agoesjam district general hospital and Fatimah hospital. And there are many other things that concerned about Ketapang. And as a society o...

My last meal on earth

The last meal on earth that I choose is Tempe. Tempe is original Indonesian food. Why I choose Tempe as my last meal on earth because, the content of the nutrients in the Tempe very complete. Tempe is made from soy and Rhizopus sp mushroom. Soy beans fermented with help of the mushroom. Tempe consists many nutrients among others as sources of protein, dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin B, carbohydrates, and many more. Tempe also contain antibiotics and antioxidants. Tempe can made into a wide  variety of cuisines such as the easiest thing to be made is fried Tempe. And now Tempe also been innovating in the basic materials of manufacture. Namely one using peanuts, green beans, red beans, until rubber seeds. But the protein content of the materials is less than the protein content of soy beans. However, it is not an impossible thing if Tempe will occupy the position calculated in the community. If later it continues to be developed than the problem of dependence on soy bean...

A letter to my younger self and my 10 years later self.

A letter to my younger self .. Back when I was a child. Maybe my childhood is very nice. Play with my friend, play mud, play with rain, and many more. When I was a little, I often spend my time outdoors. I am home alone because in the time I have not having a sister. So I prefer to play with my friend. And my past, I am so lazy to learn because my younger self think I will not found some problem in my life and I think I will always happy in my life. But now, Dear my younger self .. I know I wasted a lot of time, I busy to play some think that not important, careless, and never think about future. Supposing air realized, that my life would not be good if I not improve it. And now a letter to my 10 years later self .. Dear my 10 years later self, I hope in my future I will be personal enterprising, diligent, smart, and more better than ever. But I hope I am not be arrogant and always be humble. I hope my 10 years later self be able to make my parents proud. I hope I will not make my...


Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me introduce my self. My name is Erina Safitri. In this good occasion I would like to tell you about the title of my speech today is Save Our Tree. The point of my speech is : 1. The importance of the trees for directness our life. 2. The simplest way to save our tree. Ladies and gentleman, Indonesia has a vast expanse of forest. With Indonesia's forest area of 99.6 million hectares or 52.3% area of Indonesia (based on Book of Forestry Statistics Indonesia 2011, which was publish in July 2012). Indonesia forest become one of the lung of the world that area important for the life of the earth fill. Other than that, Indonesia also has biological riches, flora and fauna, and many more. But now, natural green Indonesia increasingly depleted due to uncontrolled forest utilization. Well, I would like to discuss about components of the forest. Do you know what that is? Yeah that it  tree. Based on th...